About us

Given that only the big company’s employees could access to the corporate concierge services and only at their workplace, therefore MyConciergerie has created an offer:
- Accessible to the SMEs, freelance occupation and private individual.
- Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week online and 6 days a week from 8am to 7pm by phone.
- Providing the ability to manage and act on the requests in France and abroad.
An another way to work
- 01A balanced lifestyleThe barrier between the working and private life is increasingly tenuous; we must redesign the company’s art of living to offer a more balanced lifestyle. The corporate concierge is the solution that allows the employer to help his employees to balance their time.
- 02From the companyThe company that wishes to offer his employees an access to our services pays a subscription. In return, MyConciergerie provides its catalogue and a specific logistic for the employees in order to deliver them services in the workplace or at home.
- 03Easy paymentThen, the subscriber directly settles to the provider or on our online payment gateway, the service cost at market price or at a price negotiated by MyConciergerie.
Our Policy
The corporate concierge device MyConciergerie, supported by the label and the Charter drawn up and signed together with our providers, aims to bring solution to the brakes of the local economic development and to stimulate the attractiveness of the territory where it is implanted.
With its action, MyConciergerie aims to promote the strengthening of the social cohesion by supporting training, employment and promoting suppliers in similar efforts.
By establishing the label, MyConciergerie, eager to get involved in a citizen initiative and to give an original offer, is committed to:
- Referring the local suppliers in priority,
- Offering the same services to the SMEs and SMIs than to the big companies.
Finally, we are committed to adopting a sustainable behaviour.