Company Advantages
Your company advantages:
- To limit absenteeism.
- To create customer loyalty.
- To reduce the costs of turnover.
- To make easier the hiring of talent.
- To optimize your Human Resources policy.
- To enjoy a solution considered as a charge and not as a wage.
- To be in an environmentally friendly approach.
- To develop the image of your company.
How we operate
A tailored concierge. MyConciergerie is devoted to all kind of enterprises: small, medium and large, and it adapts to the needs of everyone.
To accomplish its task, MyConciergerie has developed a technical platform that ensures efficient and quality services for its subscribers.
Our solution is available at work or when you are away.
Each Corporate Concierge plan is managed as a fully-fledged scheme; our team evaluates your needs and assists you in the establishment.
A referent account manager brings you its expertise and know-how:
- advices for the development of a corporate concierge inside the company, technical specifications, communication package ... to make your project a success from scratch.
Quality of amenities
The subscription offered by the company or by the works council for its employees, allows the assistance of a concierge for all services which can save more free time for employees to reduce stress and contribute to their well-being.
Our concierges are the link between your employees and our suppliers to satisfy their needs.
For example, vehicle maintenance, child care, dry cleaning, shoe repair, clothes alterations, administrative procedures, meal tray delivery, reflexology session...
MyConciergerie concierges are professionals of service, trained to solve and satisfy all requests (or most of them) of your employees.
For the services that we do not directly accomplished, we work with partners selected for their compliance with quality commitments and deadlines required by our Charter.
The rigorous selection of our providers offers your team the guarantee of a quality service at the right price on a wide range of amenities.
Moreover, our selection of human service providers accredited CESU get your employees a tax reduction of 50%.
Serene Workers
Stress reduction.
- Better balance between private life and
professional life. - Increased availability to fulfil the demands of a career plan.
- To access to a wide range of services through a single contact.
- For the same price or even cheaper, no need to collect your order.
- Increased personal availability.
Reporting and activity monitoring
Every 3 months, MyConciergerie is committed to providing, under a statistical form, a full report on the activity of your corporate concierge, and a detailed report regarding the elements of your employees’ satisfaction.
Financial gains
We can establish a financial gain in direct relation with the productivity gain generated by the development of a corporate concierge, in addition to the tax provisions laid down by French Borloo law.
Fictitious example:If a company gives €500/month for corporate concierge services and in exchange it saves 60 minutes per month on average for each of its 50 employees, and the average hourly cost of an employee is €25:
60 minutes of time per month x 50 employees
<=> €25 per hour x 50 = €1,250 per month.
<=> 1250 - 500 = €750 per month saved by the company.
And we have to take into account the employee satisfaction because their employer offers them a useful advantage to their well-being.